Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's time for a fresh start.

This is the caption on the picture I use on my Facebook page, and it holds true!

So, I was linked to this great post regarding the history of the "Heart Attack/Diabetes Pyramid" so coined by the author. It discusses the carbohydrate-heavy diet that is recommended by most government health officials, and that these carbohydrates come more in the form of grains and breads than they do from vegetables and fruits. It talks about how heart disease, diabetes, etc has become more rampant in spite of (or due to) these recommended percentages.

"Not only are we advised to eat more easy energy than we need, they are more often than not “empty” carbohydrates. Whole grains contain antinutrients such as phytic acid, meaning we don't absorb their nutrients. In fact our bodies cannibalise minerals in an effort to catch and expel the antinutrients. So eating grain products only causes raised blood sugar, well-filled glycogen stores, calcium and magnesium deficiencies, and fat deposits."

What I am really interested in is this: since when are carbohydrates only present in breads, rice, etc? When I tell people that I follow the Paleo lifestyle, they say, "Oh, low-carb like Atkins." My reply to them is that I don't consider this a low-carb diet. Vegetables and fruits contain carbohydrates, and I eat plenty of those, so how is it low-carb exactly? Perhaps you mean to say, "Protein-rich" instead?

Certainly it is low-bread and low-cookie, and even low-fake-foods. (You can replace low with NO in those, by the way, 'cuz that's really how I roll).

Not only do whole grains inhibit absorption, they also cause spikes in your blood sugar and throw off your insulin levels. This is a well-known fact! People KNOW that grain-based carbohydrates distort your blood sugar levels, which is why they tell diabetics to limit their consumption.... and yet now there are all these cookbooks all over the place telling diabetics that they CAN have their favourite pastas, pizzas, etc. WHY?? You KNOW that these things are bad - nay, dangerous - for diabetics, and yet you continue to support them being consumed? You might as well tell them to mainline some table sugar, it'd get the job done quicker. *insert major eyeroll here* (ow, I think I just sprained my eye rolling muscles...)

Here are my thoughts as I posted them to Facebook after having read the article above:

Whole grains are not your friend, they are your enemy. They inhibit your body's ability to absorb the nutrients that it needs to survive. Then you are left feeling unsatisfied and hungry again because your body is in need of these nutrients, thus leaving you searching for something to eat - likely another item filled with "whole grain goodness." 

Wash, rinse, repeat! You're always hungry, you are following a high whole grain, low fat diet and still feeling lethargic, bloated, and not losing those last nagging 5 or 10 lbs (or you are gaining weight!). Why isn't it working, you say! 

The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGEUP! I'm not saying that Paleo/Primal is right for you, but I AM saying that what you are currently doing is NOT right for you. 

If you aren't seeing what you need to see and feeling how you want to feel, wake up and change something about your diet. Get rid of that one thing that you feel like you absolutely CAN'T give up - processed sugars, bread products, candy bars, whatever! When you feel like you can't live without it, that's a sure sign that there is something wrong. Addiction has nothing to do with illicit drugs or alcohol, it is simply not being able to go without something. 

Feel like you simply can't go a day without bread? Sounds like it is time to give up that loaf and find something else to put in its place. 

The only way you will see a change is if YOU MAKE THOSE CHANGES YOURSELF. They will not happen without YOUR dedication!

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